“THANK YOU for the 300+ Facebook greetings. I am better, wiser, and happier mostly by God’s grace but also because of those I encountered in my life’s journey…My face value still defies my age. For these, I am grateful.”

So says my wall post yesterday and following is the back story behind it…

Another year was added to my age two days ago. No evident celebration occurred because I was broke both literally and figuratively. I am not ashamed to admit that for I know it’s just another fleeting season.

Better, Wiser, Happier

Broke But Not Lonely

I am literally broke as I just started a new job back in a night shift industry which I thought I’d never return to again. That’s what I said to myself years ago…but I was wrong. That is why I am one broken man figuratively speaking.

The harder way this time, I have come full circle to some lessons I needed to learn extensively. It’s a painful process to which I apply myself to with reckless abandon because I don’t want to be a repeater all my life.

Moving on to greater challenges, I want to absorb whatever insights I can muster from these events. I am becoming a guru at making the most out of the lot I am assigned in this life; no matter how unfortunate other people may consider it.

‎”I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger & more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties.”-J.C. Penney

No gimmicks, surprises or gifts on that day but my family at home and friends whom I have communicated to only virtually that day. They are my precious treasures. Ostensibly, I did not celebrate my birthday but I have an awful lot of inwardly celebration going on.

Returning home exhausted and almost dreamy from graveyard shift yesterday, I recounted the past years’ blessings that swelled my heart with gratitude. I had to stop joyful tears from falling because it’s a shame to weep in a public transport.

“Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.”- From the film “Eat. Pray. Love.”

My Evolution

Over the years, I evolved as a person. My passion for life-long learning became stronger even as I read far and wide, watch movies, do simple travels here and there, and significantly relate with and really listen to people’s stories.

In a greater way, I now know how to overlook an offense and to even forgive my own shortcomings sometimes most of the time. I became fearless of other people’s opinion about my decisions based on convictions.

I can be odd, boring, unique (sometimes even weird) yet still special when I want to. My sense of humor improved and I am getting better at flaunting wise cracks while mostly laughing at my own jokes. I grow secure as I keep maximizing my potentials and fully embracing my weaknesses while not giving up working on them.

No longer having high demands or expectations from people mean less expectation, no dramas. I pray more intensely now and worry less.

With much striving, I cast all the broken pieces of my life to God, the Divine Maker of masterpieces in this world and beyond while I am learning still in choosing to be happy and content in every circumstance.

Fine, I had an unconventional birthday but I don’t feel bad about it. Anyway I can turn my life into one grand series of celebration so why sweat the small stuff, right?

6 thoughts on “Better, Wiser, Happier

  1. Belated Happy Birthday Adrian!

    Good for You with your amazing attitude in adversity. I love this:

    “With much striving, I cast all the broken pieces of my life to God, the Divine Maker of masterpieces in this world and beyond while I am learning still in choosing to be happy and content in every circumstance.”

    Blessings on your weekend and your days to come, Jeanne


  2. To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of literature,esp. writings, history etc. but I am learning to love it as I read meaty blogs like yours. I was making one recently. 🙂
    This was a stunning success of a person when they write something about themselves – it enriches the psychology of a certain phenomena. It is not just limited with the academe involvement but the “real world” is being uncovered through the ethnographic statement and reasearches of people. You are doing an excellent job! My brain neurons grew an inch wave again.. Looking forward to your next blog 🙂 Have great day 🙂


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