I write to inspire excellence.

I write to vent and rant, or say what I want.

I write to add value and meaning to people’s lives.

I write to expose what is false and encourage truth.

I write to express my feelings, and unleash my fears.

I write to correct misinformation, whether mine or others’, and motivate action.

I write to make a positive impact in people’s lives, and not just influence them.

I write to share my knowledge and experiences, hoping others will also do the same.

I write to immortalize my thoughts, and spend my time for something that will outlast it.

I write to instill faith, hope and love because my life became better because of these.

I write to explore the depths of my soul, the width of my emotions, and the height of my imagination.

I write and live to glorify the Giver of this gift, the Source of all creativity, wisdom and inspiration.

Photo by Dr. Amy Vedder from http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/
Photo by Dr. Amy Vedder from http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/

12 thoughts on “This Is Why I Write

  1. “I write to instill faith, hope and love because I and my life became better because of these” -a reminder that without faith, hope,love and GOD’s graces we are meaningless creatures.

    Keep on writing!

    To GOD be the glory till eternity!


  2. Ye-es. I can agree with most of that. But my motives are not really that noble. I write because I have to and because I’m a nicer person writing than I am if I don’t write. I know that’s true because my husband doesn’t disagree when I say it!


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