By Adrian Pantonial

Read Part 1

These were some random thoughts I collected in our 13-day stay in the hospital:

  1. Hope abounds everywhere. Ask God to open your eyes for you to see it – for you to feel it.
  2. Life is full of surprises. Not everything will work according to your plans and not everyone will respond the way you expect them to be.
  3. Crises have a way of refocusing your life to what truly matters now: life with its bare necessities.
  4. Everyone suffers but people respond to it differently.

    August 8, 2012 – Nanay’s Fight for Life – Day 10 – Still with her “jackstone prat drain” on her lap
  5. Angels are mostly in the form of friends, but often, also in strangers.
  6. God is sovereign and He’s in-control of your life if you’ll let Him. You don’t have to know and do everything.
  7. When the going gets the toughest, take it one day at a time.
  8. Be strong in the midst of the storm, not only for yourself, but for your loved ones too.
  9. In crisis, true friends are revealed.
  10. One thing we can thank God for in trials is that it pulls family and friends together.
  11. Despite your suffering, some people fail to consider that and treat your situation as just another transaction. Understand and pray for them.
  12. Don’t be ashamed to express your need because there are people around you just waiting to help.
  13. In crisis or not, God is the Answer. He loves me and those whom I love. He is all I truly need from here to eternity. He is our loving Father, Divine Healer and Provider.

“Thank You, Lord, for Your amazing and life-changing love. And again, THANK YOU ALL for your support in Nanay’s fight for life.” 😉

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