People buy books for two main reasons: to be inspired and/or to be informed.

Books could be used as tools toward achieving a certain feeling or attaining our goals. But there comes a point when you feel like you already have too many books, and you just don’t have enough time to read all of them.

If you’ve already reached that point, that’s an awful start but a good one anyway to analyze why you should stop buying books.

Here are other reasons and questions to either convince you or make you think twice before making your next purchase:

  1. Do I really need this book or do I just want it? Will I still need it after a month?
  2. Can I afford this book? Or should my money be used for other priorities?
  3. Am I just buying a book because it has a good cover, a catchy title, and it’s on sale
  4. How many unfinished books do I have at home? What should I do to finish them? Or should I just give them away to people who could benefit from them?
  5. Am I collecting books just for the fun of it? Or am I using them as trophies to display and to make other people think I’m clever?
  6. What benefit did I get from my recent book purchase anyway?
  7. Has this now become an addiction that is hurting my finances in a bad way?


Books could be awesome gifts to others (and to ourselves, too). But too much of a good thing could be just as bad, especially if it’s no longer beneficial.

One thing’s for sure, answering these question might just give you intriguing answers and shocking revelations about your purchasing habits.

How about you? Have you figured out a way out of this maze?

Come on and help our tribe by writing your answer in the comments section of this article.

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5 thoughts on “7 Instigating Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying Books

  1. 4. How many unfinished books do I have at home? What should I do to finish them? Or should I just give them away to people who could benefit from them?

    Kuya Remember me whenever you reach this question! ^_^ hehehehe..

    Liked by 1 person

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