Here in the Philippines, they say that the Christmas season is primarily for kids. That’s because they’re the usual recipients of gifts in this time of giving and merrymaking. But there’s also another group of people who enjoy this most wonderful time of the year – those involved in making events happen. 

December is now becoming popular as another wedding month. Christmas parties, reunions and other events also happen in December because it’s the time when companies give out 13th month pay, and employees apply for multiple vacation leaves even as New Year is only a few days away from Christmas day. No wonder many events happen in this yuletide season.

male event host

I am an events host because I love communicating to people, serving, and having fun. Those three components I believe helps make an effective Master of Ceremonies (Emcee).

I started my hosting career in the year 2000 pro bono-mode for relatives, friends, and church mates. Then the turn of events lead me to getting paid for doing one of my passions in life in the year 2005.

In the process of becoming an essential part of weddings, debuts, parties, company events and others, I’ve learned some tricks along the way – what works and what doesn’t.

For fellow events hosts and those of you who organize events, for your family or your organization, I share with you these few useful tips as my simple Christmas gift. 

  1. Don’t try to outshine the real stars – The show is not about you. The real stars of the show are the people you’re introducing, the company that hired you as a host, and the audience. The host must serve the event’s purpose, and not draw attention to himself alone or for his own agenda. 
  2. Meet with your clients prior to the event – To ensure that everything will be in order and minimize the unexpected incidents on the day itself, meet with the organizers. This is important so as to set proper expectations from each other, what’s required of you as an emcee, and how you can contribute to a memorable program.  
  3. Suggest creative ideas for an awesome event – As a host, you probably have been to many other similar events than your clients. That said, you have a better perspective of how things may turn out with what they have prepared, or how an event can be improved. Make your proposals in the nicest way possible, and not in a manner that your clients would feel inferior or incapable.

Read Part 2 here

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