“How positively different my life would be if for 15 days I thank God daily for specific blessings I have for those days? My “15 Days of Blessings” experiment on June 16-30, 2011. \o/ “

That Facebook wall post with a link to my poem “Thank You, God!” introduced my “Live Thankful Project: 15 Days of Blessing” that ran between June 16 to 30, 2011.

Photo from www.pinterest.com
Photo from http://www.pinterest.com

I got this wonderful idea from Myfanwy Hart’s “Reasons to Be Thankful” and added my own style to it by including Bible verses, related quotes, photos/images, links to my related blog posts, YouTube (etc.) to each Facebook wall post I made within those dates.

I just love the idea of rallying people towards positive change – sometimes even if the only person I’m leading towards that goal is myself simply because I believe that “leaders are trailblazers.”

Without further ado, here’s the main course of that personal project minus the appetizers, soups and desserts (Hmn…now I’m hungry!) to conserve time and space for this post:

Day 1: I thank God for this gift of life though imperfect as everyone else’s. By it, I go through a variety of experiences and emotions. Though I may not always like nor understand them all, I CHOOSE TO BE BETTER not bitter.

Day 2: I’m grateful for my family who accepts me just the way I am (melancholic, ENTJ personality). They stand by me through thick and thin. My family’s well-being is one of my top-most priorities in life.

Day 3: I’m grateful for my work! It keeps me busy, grows my skills, provides for my family and gave me 15 days away from work with pay (10 Days Core Leave + 5 rest days). And tomorrow, we’ll have Family Day at Enchanted Kingdom!

Day 4: I thank God for my friends because they multiply my joys and divide my sorrows. I choose my close friends carefully because my “inner circle” can influence the depth of my fall or the height of my triumph.

Day 5: I thank God for giving me complete body parts and senses. By them, I experience life to the full. With them, I intend to improve my life to be a blessing to others as a way of saying: THANK YOU, GOD!

Day 6: I thank God that He made me unique and special with my own set of strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and trials, all adding up to my being a work in progress…His masterpiece nonetheless.

Day 7: I’m thankful for our home. When it rains, our roof still drips and needs renovation (a masterpiece in progress like me), often cluttered with kids’ mess but there’s no other place like home. It’s where I can be all that I am, a storehouse of my past and safe-keeper of my dreams.

Day 8: I’m thankful to Jesus Christ: my life changed and changing still, for bringing me to places I couldn’t have been to on my own, known many great people, made sense of life’s pains and mysteries. So I’m paying it forward by sharing His love to as many as I can–the best decision I ever made!

Day 9: I’m thankful being a Filipino, living and working in the Philippines. We’re a resilient and God-fearing people with a colorful culture, heritage of heroism and unity, globally known for our hospitality, talent and service.

Day 10: I’m thankful for the beauty of nature reminding me that despite tough times and changing seasons: “Life is beautiful.” And because each day is a gift, we must treasure its value and use it wisely.

Day 11: I’m thankful to live in a nation where I can freely go to church and express my faith. I learned great values in church, it encourages me to live excellently in all areas of my life as worship unto God. I love this church!

Day 12: I’m thankful for the ample inspiration from poetry, creative writing, photography, books, arts, film, music and multimedia. I’m more thankful given the ability to inspire others by having skills on the first three.

Day 13: I’m thankful just having my dental prophylaxis and permanent pasta today courtesy of our company’s health card.

Day 14: I’m thankful for Facebook because it enables me to communicate with style to my dear ones. It’s here too that I extend my network beyond physical reach and blessed with seeing how ordinary people makes extraordinary things!

Day 15: I’m thankful for the two highlights of my day: “socially energized” in our last team bonding videoke at Rally Point Visayas Ave. Quezon City and “spiritually energized” at tonight’s Victory Metro East Prayer and Worship night: a great way to conclude my 15 Days of Blessing personal project! Back to work tomorrow! 🙂

“The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore it tends to become the best. It takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best.” – Wallace D. Wattles

4 thoughts on “Live Thankful Project: 15 Days of Blessing

  1. Thank you for the link. We all have so much for which to be thankful. It’s easy to thank for the big things – the little things matter even more!

    Praise His Name!


  2. Amen to all of that! ♥
    A job and the experience with my Victory group (which I am excited with) will complete my list 😉


  3. There are so many things to be thankful about. If sometimes we are worrying for something or someone, DON’T BE. Don’t worry if WE miss something. In fact we are missing nothing, because there is nothing better. The best in life isn’t somewhere else. It’s right where we are, at this moment. There is nothing better than exactly that.

    God bless you!


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