Start the Year with a Clean Slate: Delete. Delete. Delete!

By: Adrian Pantonial

Some things in our lives do not really deserve the time and space we give them: like some Facebook and cellphone contacts and unnecessary emails. So what to do with these? Delete. Delete. Delete!

Un-friend Facebook Contacts

It’s your social network. You can choose who you allow to be part of it. These contacts can either mess up your life or fill it with meaning and even with love.

Image from

So un-friend…

  • Old co-workers whom you’re really not personally attached to
  • Former classmates whom you’re no longer interested with
  • Contacts that posts stuff that only gives you a bad day
  • People who invited you as contact but do not even talk to you in real life
  • Those who consistently let you down and are not worth keeping

Delete Cellphone Contacts

Cellphone contacts may either take up space from your sim card or your phone and depending on where you store your messages, you may not get more because you’ve forgotten to delete some unnecessary contacts.

So delete…

  • Contacts whom you have not texted/called for quite some time now
  • Those that were already on your sim card when you first bought it
  • Office phone numbers that you’ve only contacted once or a few times
  • Those who do not answer your calls or reply to your texts and
  • Again, those who consistently let you down and are not worth keeping

Delete Old Emails

Have you checked your inbox space and went through your old emails lately? Determine what you no longer need now and will not ever need and…you know the drill. 😉

6 thoughts on “Start the Year with a Clean Slate: Delete. Delete. Delete!

  1. I think my facebook needs this…
    Will share this link to my friends…
    Indeed, we don’t need extra contacts — our lives are busy enough with our friends and family to include blackholes on our lists 🙂


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